Thursday, January 24, 2019

Catholic Schools Week 2019
SUNDAY- Celebrating our Parish
Please join us for Mass at 9:45 a.m. If students come dressed to Sunday Mass in their formal uniform, they may have non-uniform dress on February 4, 2019. Open House is a day when our classroom is open to our families. Come and look at your child’s projects from 11:00 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.

MONDAY-Celebrating Faculty and Staff
Teachers will do a 20 lesson in another classroom, so kindergartners will get to do an activity with an upper grade teacher. Students wear regular uniforms.

TUESDAY- Celebrating our Community
HSA and Room Parents are coordinating Gift baskets. Kindergarten is giving their basket to the Presentation Sisters and our local Crossing Guard. Students wear regular PE uniforms.

WEDNESDAY-Celebrating our Volunteers and Families
8:30 a.m. Student Body mass. Parents and other volunteers will have treats provided by the faculty on the patio after Mass. Students wear FORMAL uniforms.

THURSDAY-Celebrating Those Called To Serve
Morning assembly to thank and honor those called to serve. RSVP information was published in the weekly newsletter. Students wear regular uniforms.

FRIDAY-Celebrating Our Students
Students wear Jerseys and Jeans in honor of Super Bowl Sunday. There will be a Movie Morning in the Hall, one for upper grades and a different movie for the lower grades. Students may bring a small blanket and $5 or LESS for the snack bar. School is dismissed at 11:40 a.m.